
Extremely simple "Login with Telegram" button
๐ This is my first module so I'm sure there are some things that can be improved.
A simple solution to add telegram login button to your Nuxt app
- ๐ Provides a simple component for the login button
- ๐พ Persists user data and provides a simple composable for accessing it
Quick Setup
- Install the module
npx nuxi module add @paranoidphantom/tgauth
- Add the
<TelegramAuth bot="<bot username>" />
- Get user info using the
<script lang="ts" setup>
const { user } = useTelegramUser();
console.log(user.value); // => { first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe", username: "johndoe", ...}
<script lang="ts" setup>
const { logout } = useTelegramUser();
logout(); // => clears stored telegram user data
Validate user on server
- Add your bot token to .env (get one from @BotFather)
- (Optional) Set a custom expiration time for the authentication object (default is 2 weeks, 0 for no expiration)
export default defineNuxtConfig({
// ...
tgauth: {
auth_expiration: 42777, // Expiration time in seconds
// ...
- Use the middleware to validate if the user is logged in and sent a legitimate auth object received from telegram
import { serverTelegramUser } from "#tgauth/server";
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const { valid, user } = await serverTelegramUser(event);
// valid === true if data came from the telegram
// user is defined if valid === true and contains user data
Listen for events
<TelegramAuth @login="(data) => console.log(data)" @logout="() => console.log('Logged out!')" bot="<bot username>" />
Use redirect mode
If the user is redirected to your nuxt app, useTelegramUser will be automatically populated with the returned data.
<TelegramAuth bot="<bot username>" auth-url="https://your-app.com/callback" />
Local development
# Install dependencies
bun install
# Generate type stubs
bun run dev:prepare
# Develop with the playground
bun run dev
# Build the playground
bun run dev:build
# Run ESLint
bun run lint
# Run Vitest
bun run test
bun run test:watch
# Release new version
bun run release